In Squee, you play as a little blob creature traveling a world made of blocks with the aid of the Speaker! Just make sure to watch out for his brother...

A NES Game, Made by yours truly  (inspired by the unfinished game with the same name from 1995) 

Squee Team

Voice of the SpeakerThorrin 
Check out his Game (Beet Beat)

Level SoundtrackTurtleBox

Everything else:  Jimmy(ME)!!!

Definitely Unimportant Credits:

Original 1995 NES Game : Feather Studios
Adaptation in Godot by : Blue Coding Studio


Squee v1.1 Windows 142 MB
Squee v1.1 Linux (Probably) 144 MB
Every Squee Version Ever 434 MB

Install instructions

Download and Play! as Easy as that! 
or Play the Web Version

(Linux version has not been tested)


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something super weird... but i like it

Now its even weirder

(1 edit)

also music wierd loop

this demo build is before I formed the team, that's why its weird.

ooooohhh that makes sense

(1 edit)

how did you send a blank comment? what

I had an image of me clipping through the wall but it didn't send >:

game was coded by an idiot (me). its pretty buggy becuz of that.

nah u did good man, ive seen worse